Hey everyone!
This week was really good! A lot better than last week. We had a lot more lessons, we found a lot more people to teach, and some of the people we are already teaching are starting to progress. God's team always wins! I've noticed that the more obedient we are in keeping the commandments and the white handbook, God will deliver! It reminded me of a scripture found in Alma 50:22:
"And those who were faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord were delivered at all times, whilst thousands of their wicked brethren have been consigned to bondage, or to perish by the sword, or to dwindle in unbelief, and mingle with the Lamanites."
As we do the small and simple things, God will ALWAYS deliver his people. I can testify of that, because I have been able to see it with myself, and with others as they grasp onto the gospel of Jesus Christ. I've been able to see those my brethren, be freed from bondage as they repent and change. It's possible for all of us!
So Chloe is still solid and ready to be baptized this Saturday. It should be awesome! We also found a new kid this week to teach named Jason. He's from a part member family, and his 2 older brothers have served missions. He never really had an interest to come to church with his brothers before, or to learn more, but he's willing to now! We had a lesson on Sunday with him, and he came to church! We got to know him, and realized how much God has been preparing him for the gospel. He's almost 12, but he's super smart for his age. His heart is pulling him to learn about Jesus Christ and why we follow him. We invited him to come watch Chloe's baptism and he said he's interested, so hopefully we can get him there!
We also found a family that just moved into our area. There's 3 non members in the household, and one of the sons was just recently baptized a couple months ago. His sister, brother, and dad are still non members but are open to us coming to teach them!
We also met this girl named Emily, who just turned 9 years old that wants to learn about the restored gospel. Both her parents are members, and they come quite frequently. Emily doesn't know a whole lot about baptism and so we asked if we could teach her, and she seemed super excited about it. Good things are coming for that family!
A couple other cool things happened this week, but just some regular stuff. I went on exchanges with Elder Murphy and that was pretty fun. He's from New Zealand and has a dope accent 😂. Also, Elder Staley had a birthday this week, so we celebrated and went out to Baskin Robin's and got some milkshakes. When a lady there found out it was his birthday, she bought all of our drinks, so that was super fun!
We're still meeting with Abraham and Daniel on a weekly basis. Daniel comes to church with his wife every week, and Abraham comes every other weekend when he's with his mom. They're both starting to enjoy it a lot. Anyway, that's about all I got this week. Love you all, talk to you next week!